Current Projects
Hybrid Systems
Learning with hybrid systems
- Constructing hybrid learning systems using homotopy optimization methods to enhance robustness and explainability for inference and control of Cyber-Physical-Human Systems.
- Links: (ArXiv24) (ECML-PKDD23)
Communication-Aware Control
Funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) and Ericsson AB.Hierarchical Communication-Aware Motion Planning
- Hierarchical modeling and adaptation of hybrid network digital twin for multi-agent planning under wireless communication constraints, including QoS and handover behavior.
- Collaboration between Christos Mavridis (PI) and Ericsson Research.
- Links: TBA
Cyber-Physical Systems Security
CPS Security in Dynamic Games under Cognitive Hierarchy
- CPS attack identification based on principles of behavioral game theory and online deterministic annealing.
- Moving-target defense for CPS under Wireless Communication through relaxed control.
- Identification deception in CPS based on switching control.
- Links: (IFAC23) (ECC24) (CDC24)
Selected Past Projects
Safe Robot Navigation
- Safe robot navigation under spatial and temporal constraints: Construction of hybrid automaton based on MITL constraints using time-dependent vector field-based control.
- Links: (CDC19)
Intelligent Transportation
Cooperative Highway Merging
- Real-time priority-based cooperative highway merging for heterogeneous autonomous traffic.
- Links: (ITSC21 - Best Student Paper Award)